Friday, October 1, 2010

The Longest word in the world

Have you been dying to figure out the longest word in the world?  Well you have found it because here it is:


I did not make this word up.  Her is the definition of this strange, but long, word:

pneu⋅mo⋅no⋅ul⋅tra⋅mi⋅cro⋅scop⋅ic⋅sil⋅i⋅co⋅ vol⋅ca⋅no⋅co⋅ni⋅o⋅sis   

[noo-muh-noh-uhl-truh-mahy-kruh-skop-ik-sil-i-koh-vol-key-noh-koh-nee-oh-sis, nyoo-]

–noun an obscure term ostensibly referring to a lung disease caused by silica dust, sometimes cited as one of the longest words in the English language.

It is hard to put this word in a sentence but I have figured out a good sentence for this word:

The doctor said that the deasease I have is called pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis.  It is a very rare lung deasease that only about 5 people in the whole world have.