Friday, November 12, 2010

Speak Pig Greek!

     Many years ago, kids made up a language for fun, called Pig Latin.  So, also for fun, we made up pig Greek, which use sounds of real Greek.
      Learning Pig Greek takes practice to start, but once you get a feel for how the words are formed, you'll be exercising your brain and chatting away.  Pig Greek uses four sounds (chosen becuase a lot of real Greek words have these in them): Iklees, Yiklees, os and kro.
     If a group of kids learn together, you could have private conversations in Pig Greek! And, if you really get into it, see if you can find someone to help you begin to learn real Greek, and become a Greek-speaker!
 Iklees:  Use for "I''
 Yiklees:  Use for "you''
     For words beginning with consonants, move the consonants to the end, and add os.  For example, "I stay'' would be "Iklees ay-stos.''  "You go'' would be "Yiklees oh-gos.''
     For words starting with vowels, add kro before the word.  For example, the words am, are, and is would be kro-am, kro-are, and kro-is.

Ahnt-wos oo-tos eak-spos ig-pos eek-gros?
Icklees kro-am appy-hos.
Icklees ike-los o-tos eak-spos ig-pos eek-gros!


How to Build a Trojan Horse

Everyone can use a Trojan horse, of course.  Got something you'd like to hide or store away, out of view?  Build a table top version for your room.  Or, build a large one for out door play! (Trojan horses make good pinatas, too.)


  You Will Need:
* Wagon
* Carton that fits inside the wagon
* Cardboard cut in the shape of a horses head, lega, and tail (make sure the head and tail are extra long)
* Paint
* Tape
* Creativity

An old wagon is a great start for building a Trojan horse.  First, paint the carton and the horse head, legs, and tail.  Cut slits in the carton, and attach the neck and tail to the inside with strong tape.  Attach the legs to the outside of the wagon.  Glue or staple a shoe box inside inside to conceal toy soldiers. Cut a small door in the side of the horse, so that the soldiers can exit.  They can also use a cardboard ladder to get down.


  You Will Need:
* Card board box roughly 6 in. by 8 in.
* Scissors
* 3 toilet-paper tubes
* Tape
* Brass paper fastener
* Glue

Cut a curve into the top of the box on two sides for the body of the horse.  Form cardboard into a horse's head, with ears attached, and tape it into a toilet-paper tube neck.  Attach the  neck to the body with tape. (Cut a curve in the front of the box where the neck will go.)  Tape on a back and tail.  cut a door flap into one side, and use a brass paper fastener as a "door-knob."  Glue on toilet-paper-tube wheels.  Your horse can be a good place to hide base ball cards or some other small treasure.


Make a Hamster Labyrinth

 If you (or a friend) have a mouse, gerbil, hamster, or a rat, you can make a pets labyrinth.
     Attach rectangles of cardboard to make walls inside a carton.  Figure out a secret passageway - and create plenty of dead ends!  Make a path the ends with a Greek hamster treat.  How about a grape?  Or, start you pet  on a simple labyrinth, and gradually, over several days, make it more difficult.  Does your pet still find the reward?

     Don't feel like training a pet?  Draw a complicated labyrinth on paper or with the drawing tool on a computer to trade with a friend.  Mark the places to start and to end.  Then, see if your friend can solve the maze.
